Threat of Harm Policy
Â鶹ͷÌõ recognizes the importance of maintaining a safe environment for students, faculty and staff. Any threats of suicide, violence, other distress and/or threatening behavior, or significant health risks will result in immediate action to secure the safety of the individual and the community. All members of the University community, including faculty, staff and students, are expected to report concerns regarding students to the Office of Student Life immediately, especially when there is a potential threat to welfare and safety. Members of the Student Life staff, under the direction of the Dean of Students , evaluate reported situations to determine appropriate action. If there appears to be, or the University has knowledge of, a potential threat to welfare and safety, any or all of the following immediate actions may be taken:
- Notification of the Police and/or Fire Department.
- Immediate notification of appropriate University staff
as indicated:
- Chief of Police
- Director of Residence Life
- Dean of Students
- Director of Counseling Services
- Director of Health Services
- Emergency transfer to the hospital for evaluation via
the Romeoville Police and/or Fire departments.
- Immediate removal from the University community
(housing, classes and/or activity restriction).
- Notification of student's parent(s) and/or emergency contacts by the Dean of Students or designate. A health and safety exception to FERPA permits the disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student’s record in case of an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or other individuals.
- A search of the student's room or property and
confiscation of any items which are potentially harmful, against University policy or are considered to be
evidence of potential harm.
- In the case of a student presenting a potential threat
said student shall be in the presence of a staff member
at all times until a disposition of the situation has been
- The student will be given written notification from the
Dean of Students of the disposition of the
process and guidelines for returning to campus.
- Interviews will take place with the student(s) and staff
involved in the situation.
- University resources are consulted as required by the
Regardless of which immediate actions are taken, a student
considered being a potential threat to the welfare and
safety of others shall be prevented access to campus.
The process for receiving clearance to return to campus is
as follows:
- The student shall receive a letter from the Dean of
Students outlining the process. Included in the
letter will be information about any necessary release of
information procedures.
- In appropriate situations, the student may be required to
have a psychologist, psychiatrist or medical physician
(depending on the nature of the concern) evaluate him
or her. Prior to the evaluation, the psychologist,
psychiatrist or medical physician must first confer with
the Director of the Student Wellness Center or designee in order for pertinent information
regarding the University's concerns to be
- The student must complete all necessary release forms
allowing communication between the Director of the
Student Wellness Center or designee
and the psychologist, psychiatrist or medical physician.
- Prior to determining the outcome of the student's
situation, the Dean of Students and the Director
of the Student Wellness Center must
receive in writing a statement from the psychologist,
psychiatrist or medical physician indicating the student
is not presenting a potential threat to the welfare and
safety of others and is cleared to return to campus.
- In addition, the psychologist, psychiatrist or medical
physician must outline the appropriate treatment plan
for the student. University resources cannot be utilized
as an integral part of the treatment plan as an
independent treating professional is required in these
- Once the information cited above is received, the
University determines what actions are appropriate
regarding the status of the student at the University. The
University reserves the right to take action contrary to
the psychologist's, psychiatrist's or medical physician's
recommendation if there are issues that remain a
concern to the University.
- If cleared to return to the University community, the
student must agree to follow the recommended
treatment plan outlined by the psychologist, psychiatrist
or medical physician. The student must agree to have
his/her compliance with the treatment plan monitored
by the Director of the Student Wellness Center or designee. In addition, the student must give
release for the Director of the Student Wellness Center or designee to report to the Dean
of Students on the student's compliance with
the treatment plan.
- If at any time the student is to be found not in
compliance with the treatment plan or new information
regarding the stability of the student's situation is
revealed, the Dean of Students will take
immediate action. This action may range from the
student's immediate removal from campus up to
permanent expulsion from the University.
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